About P Force Plus Tablets
Powerful medicine, P Force Plus helps to overcome male impotence from within. The medication shall make it easy for sexually aroused men so as to attain and sustain an erection for perfect lovemaking session. The branded solution is manufactured by Sunrise Remedies Pvt. Ltd is easy to consume conventional tablet form. The medicine in tablet form is known for overcoming moderate to severe impotence issues. This impotence treating medication is available and packed in blister pack of 10 conventional tablets per pack. The high dosage ED medicine when consumed as prescribed helps men to stay active and practice lovemaking sessions without any repeated penile failure.
Active Ingredient: P Force Plus Pills
Sildenafil Citrate 130 mg component is the active component in P Force Plus pill. This known active component in the medication does the job well by relaxing muscles and boosting up the flow of blood in the penile region. This action mechanism of Sildenafil Citrate shall help men to attain and sustain an erection for a longer time. Note that ED medicine works in the presence of sexual stimulation and does not help to be sexually aroused.
How To Take P Force Plus Tablets?
Consume impotence treating medicine only once in a day. Swallow the conventional tablet form of medicine as whole without chewing or crushing. Altering the conventional tablet state of medicine shall knowingly lower effectiveness of ED medicine. Consuming the medicine orally as prescribed before lovemaking session in the presence of complete sexual stimulation is sure to make your session amazing.
How Long Does P Force Plus Pills Last
P Force Plus pills are suggested for oral consumption as 30 minutes before intercourse. This appropriate oral intake of the medicine might help men to stays active for about 4 to 6 hours. Proper oral consumption of medicine in presence of sexual arousal helps men to sustain a stiffer penile erection for longer lovemaking sessions.
P Force Plus: Side Effects
The side effects while consumption of Sildenafil Citrate 130 mg composed medicine are usually mild. Some of them include nausea, muscle pain, dizziness, numbness, tingling in chest, arms, neck or jaw during intercourse, these effects are treated medically. These mild effects are nothing to worry about as they vanish soon. Severe side effects occur in rare cases of overdose or allergies to component in pill. Such high dosage medicine might need medical assistance as soon as possible.
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